November 1: Kevin Deweese: Yosemite Bigwall First Ascents in the Age of Beaks

November 1: Kevin Deweese: Yosemite Bigwall First Ascents in the Age of Beaks

Location: Victory House, Room 200 at the Epicenter, 3125 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa

Date and Time: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 @ 7:30 PM (Social hour and free beer for members at 6:30)

Kevin Deweese is a climber based in Oakland, CA who has been a familiar face in Yosemite Valley for years. He is best known for his bigwall first ascents in the valley. Kevin will give a presentation on putting up some of his more recent bigwall first ascents, many of which with Steve Bosque, a veteran of Yosemite bigwall first ascents from over the last half century. Kevin will focus on the “new era” that exists due to the use of beaks and how they have made lines that once were shied away from because they would be A4/A5 with normal pitons but are now A2/A3 by using beaks. He will also share photos from Bosque’s old ascents in comparison to current ascents to show the differences in gear and techniques as well as new techniques discovered through pushing beaks as far as they can go on Yosemite granite.



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"My mother used to rock me — and she used big rocks."
— Rodney Dangerfield