October 5: Mt. St. Helena Adopt-A-Crag

October 5: Mt. St. Helena Adopt-A-Crag Event at Robert Louis Stevenson State Park in Calistoga, CA.
We are excited to once again host this cleanup event with the Bay Area Climbers Coalition. We are doing the cleanup on October 5, then plan to hang out and camp out at Bothe State Park. Then have a full day of climbing on October 6.

Mt Saint Helena Adopt-a-Crag
Date: Saturday October 5th
Time: 9am to 1pm
Location: Mt Saint Helena, Calistoga CA
Parking Directions: main parking lot for Robert Louis Stevenson State Park – https://maps.app.goo.gl/95WTTwKyqzV8ieni7?g_st=ic

Thanks for volunteering with the BACC and RIM Club! We’re excited to partner with Napa County Parks for a day of stewardship at Mt Saint Helena. The event will focus on trail work and trash pickup Saturday, October 5th. If folks want to stay overnight at a walk in camp site, please join us!

NOTE: The maximum group size for overnight camping is 24 people. We’ll make a wait list if sign-ups exceed this limit.

Use the QR Code below or this link to sign up.




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"Getting to the summit is optional, getting down is mandatory."
— Ed Viesturs