March 4: Ken Yager – The Life of a Gibbon

March 4: Ken Yager – The Life of a Gibbon

Location: Victory House, Club 300 Room at the Epicenter, 3215 Coffey Lane, Santa Rosa

Date & Time: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 7:30 PM (Social hour at 6:30)

54 years of rock climbing, Founder of the Yosemite Climbing Association, the Yosemite Facelift, and the Ask A Climber program. Against all odds, Ken Yager was able to realize a 30+ year dream of a permanent climbing history museum/exhibit in Yosemite Valley. Currently living in town and working on the Yosemite Climbing Museum by the 4-way stop in Mariposa.

Ken started climbing at the age of 12 as an equal with the UC Davis professors in the Physics and Engineering Departments in 1971. He saw El Capitan during his first climbing trip to Yosemite at 13 years old and immediately knew he had to climb it. Fresh out of High School, his father dropped him off in Camp 4 to pursue that goal in December of 1976. Join Ken for many colorful stories about his unorthodox Yosemite life which is somewhat Forrest Gump-like. Join us to hear about the infamous Airplane Crash, or what it was like to switch eggs out of a Peregrine nest on El Capitan, or perhaps you want to learn some Yosemite climbing history. Ken loves hecklers.



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