Harrison Hood – Travels With Harrison

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Rock Ice & Mountain Club founder, Harrison Hood, is a climbing instructor and itinerant dirt bag. He is an active climber and has been since 1987. His love for the sport has brought him to numerous climbing destinations. He is actively involved in the climbing community and volunteers for the American Alpine Club, the American Himalayan Foundation and the Yosemite based Facelift an annual park wide clean up organization.

Over the years Harrison has been fortunate enough to travel the globe in pursuit of peaks to climb. Please join him as he takes us on his adventures to various countries like Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Europe, South America, Africa and of course the good ol’ USA. We’ll visit familiar peaks like McKinley, Mont Blanc, Kilimanjaro, Aspiring, Aconcogua, Elbrus, and rock climbing areas like Smith Rock, Yosemite, Moab, Joshua Tree and the Eastern Sierra.



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"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."
— John Muir