June 4 – Spring Lake Regional Park BBQ Picnic

Spring Lake Regional Park BBQ Picnic

Location: Lower Jackrabbit Group Picnic Area, Spring Lake Regional Park, 5585 Newanga Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA

Date & Time: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 @ 5:30 PM to Sunset

The Rock Ice & Mountain Club has reserved the Lower Jackrabbit Group Picnic Area at Spring Lake Regional Park for a BBQ picnic. The weather has just been too good to be couped up inside. This will be a nice evening of socializing, eating, as well as bouldering on some of the fun rocks right around the lake. There are also opportunities to hike, bike, paddleboard and bird watch. There is a $7 entry into the park. We will provide the charcoal and some Guayaki drinks. You will need to bring your own food and drinks. We are hoping to get a good bouldering session in before eating and we can stay there until sunset, which is around 8:30pm. If you’re interested in bouldering, we plan to leave the picnic area just after 5:30. If you can’t make it until later, the boulders are easy to find.



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"My mother used to rock me — and she used big rocks."
— Rodney Dangerfield