Kevin Jorgeson – The Impossible Wall

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Kevin Jorgeson is a Santa Rosa local, who started climbing at Vertex Climbing Center in Santa Rosa at the age of 14, and has become one of the most elite and well rounded climbers in the nation. His climbing accomplishments are numerous, but the most profound are his first ascents of hard and scary highball boulders. For the past 5 years, Kevin has been working to free “the hardest wall never climbed,” The Dawn Wall on Yosemite’s El Capitan.

They say it’s about the process, not the destination. That the sweet isn’t as sweet without the bitter. They’re not wrong, but it’s a lot easier to believe it when you have already arrived. Kevin’s slideshow won’t be about the Dawn Wall, Yosemite, or even Kevin for that matter. It will be about what it’s like to fail for five years in a row and to keep pushing when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will be about what it feels like to watch life milestones pass by while your project stands as stubbornly as ever.

Fresh off the Dawn Wall and in the middle of the season, Kevin will be joining the Rock Ice & Mountain Club for a glimpse into his perspective on something we all share: the process of a project. Kevin is sponsored by Adidas Outdoor, Five Ten, Black Diamond, Sterling Rope, Asana and Bolle. For more information about Kevin and his Pro Climbers International organization, check out these links:



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