The Rock Ice & Mountain Club Is Out Of Hibernation


Like a marmot coming out of a long winter of hibernation, we are re-emerging after almost a year and a half. As Covid-19 restrictions ease, we feel the time is right to re-rack and launch into the next pitch. Yes, our website was down for a while and we have not issued any update emails to our members and followers. We did keep our Instagram account active for a bit, but to tell you the truth, it was kind of nice to take a break from our social media accounts, our monthly meetings and Adopt-A-Crag events. But now we really miss our local climbing and outdoor community that we have spent 27 years building. It really is the members and this great community that makes this club so unique and special.

We are sticking with our first Tuesday of each month for our general meetings. For July 6, we are not certain if we will have a presenter for our general meeting or just get together, hang out and re-connect with each other. Stay tuned for more details for July 6 and for upcoming Adopt-A-Crag events and camping/climbing trips.



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"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."
— George Burns