Tahoe Adventure Film Festival – Road Tour 2018: January 26 – Mystic Theatre, Petaluma, CA

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Doug Stoup – Skiing The Planet

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Doug Stoup is an explorer, environmentalist, humanitarian, father and husband. Doug is the world’s leading polar adventurer who has skied to both the North and South Poles. Doug has lead international scientific expeditions to both poles, including Poletrack, in which he pioneered locator beacons that track climate change for scientists.

Doug is an International Polar Guide and Mountain Guide that owns and operates Ice Axe Expeditions which leads back country skiers and boarders to some of the most remote locations on the planet, including Antarctica, Svalbard, Greenland, Iceland, Kamchatka, Kashmir, India, Morocco, Alaska, Canada, Chile and Argentina.

Doug is also the founder and President of the Ice Axe Foundation. He is an educator dedicated to sharing the profound beauty and fragility of our planet and continues to push the limits of human endurance leading disabled adventurers in the polar environments while raising money for charities.

Doug encourages you to join him as he shares images, videos and stories of some incredible ski expeditions and other expeditions you might wish to put on your bucket list.

Instagram: @Icemandoug
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dougstoup/

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Iceaxe, Doug Stoup, trip to Antarctica

Iceaxe, Doug Stoup, trip to Antarctica

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Will Ross – Learning to Through Hike on the Pacific Northwest Trail

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Will Ross has dreamed of completing a thru-hike since first hearing about the Appalachian Trail at the age of 10. Approaching 30 he realized it’s time to quit dreaming and start hiking! In the summer of 2017 Will tackled one of America’s most rugged National Scenic Trails, the Pacific Northwest Trail.

Go on a journey from the Continental Divide in Montana, to the Olympic Coast of Washington as Will shares his pictures and experiences from his 1200 mile backpacking odyssey on the PNT. Learn about our newest National Scenic Trail, hiker trash, trail magic, and what it feels like to eat a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting.

Will Ross was born in Germany, but lived all over the US growing up, thanks to his father’s career in the military. Will grew to love the outdoors from an early age, taking family hiking, camping, and fishing trips in Colorado, Arizona, and West Virginia. Will has spent the last 12 years in Hawaii and California, where his passion for the outdoors continues to grow.


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Angie Corwin – My Gratitude Project

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

After two years riding an emotional roller coaster, Angie Corwin decided she had had enough stinking thinking polluting her mind and impacting her life. With five weeks off from work, she took to the road to explore three states she has spent little time in before – Utah, Colorado and Wyoming – in hopes of finding gratitude for this thing called life. And it worked!

Angie visited four National Parks; two National Monuments; rock climbed in each state including Joe’s Valley, Vedauvoo, and Ten Sleep; hiked many lesser known trails and camped on a lot of BLM and Forest Service land. Angie will talk about what it’s like to be female and travel alone, how she managed cleanliness, and tips and tricks for living out of a car or van. Join Angie as she recreates for you her physical, emotional and spiritual journey through photos of unique landscape, wild flowers and lots of selfies.

Angie was born in Ashland Oregon and spent a short stint in Arizona before moving to California, where her family has lived up and down the state since she was young. Rock climbing captivated both Angie and her father who began climbing together 20 years ago in Southern California. Together they navigated the sport without gyms and very few guide books for local crags. Always one for encouraging her to push her limits, Angie’s father made a deal with her that if she could complete her first 11a, the classic Planet of the Apes route in Malibu Creek State Park in three months, then he would give her a car. With very few minutes to spare, Angie made it to the top and got her car!

Over the years, Angie’s motivation for rock climbing, camping and general adventuring has shifted in many directions but has always been a big contributor to her sense of self. Angie has rock climbed in 11 states and Thailand and believes that each place is amazing in its own way. In 2005, she traveled around the country rock climbing for three months. This was the first time she traveled alone and now makes a point to do a solo trip each year.



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Jerry Dodrill – Explorations in the Celestial Range

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Jerry Dodrill will showcase his climbing and photographic expeditions in the Tien Shan (Celestial) Mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan and Northwest China. Part one of Jerry’s slideshow will share the story of his expedition with Mike Libecki to scale the unclimbed “Grand Poobah” (5,697M) in a remote corner of the Chinese Tien Shan. Part two will showcase images from his recent photographic exploration of the remote mountains and dramatic lakes of Central and Eastern Kyrgyzstan. Known as the “Switzerland of Central Asia,” the Kyrgyz Republic is an alpinist’s paradise adventure traveler’s dream, with a vibrant culture, vast glaciers and high mountains on a scale rivaled only by the Himalaya.

Jerry is a long time board member and former president of the Rock Ice & Mountain Club. He has over thirty years of climbing experience, is a professional photographer who leads workshops and tours, and is a senior contributor to California Climber Magazine. Jerry lives with his wife Arienne in the coastal town of Bodega. To see more of his work visit www.jerrydodrill.com.





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Dean Rosnau – Search and Rescue in the High Sierra

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Dean Rosnau began climbing at Joshua Tree in 1975 at the age of 13. In 1984, he immersed himself into the world of Search and Rescue (SAR) when a 3 1/2 year-old child disappeared from a campground. In 1989, he moved to the eastern high Sierra, and along with pursuing his climbing passions, became involved with the rescue team in Mono County.

His new book, The Shortest Straw, recounts a number of incidents throughout his 43 years of climbing and 33 years of SAR. From the high desert crags in Josh, the frozen waterfalls of the east side, to the domes of Tuolumne and the big walls of Yosemite Valley, his climbing opportunities have been mixed and all-encompassing.

Dean continues to work an open missing person case, that of Matthew Greene, of Pennsylvania. Matthew went missing on July 17, 2013….most likely in the Ritter Range of the Ansel Adams Wilderness. The story of Matthew, and many other cases, are recounted in his new book.
Dean will highlight some of the search and rescue incidents from is book and will discuss how SAR teams operate, and what to do and NOT do when faced with an emergency in the backcountry.

If you would like to order The Shortest Straw, go to this link: https://www.theshorteststraw.net/

Dean Rosnau in the search zone for Matthew Greene – Photo: John “Cupcake” McDonald

Dean Rosnau climbing thin mixed terrain, Lee Vining Canyon – Photo: Doug Nidever

Triassic Sands
Dean Rosnau leading on Triassic Sands, Red Rocks, Nevada – Photo: Earl Phillips

One of many downed aircraft body recoveries with Mono County SAR – Photo: Dean Rosnau

Dean Rosnau on the summit of Mt. Tom, Eastern High Sierra – Photo: Steve Case

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James Martin, Ken Stanton & Harrison Hood – Climbing and Culture in Cuba

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Rock Ice & Mountain Club members James Martin, Ken Stanton and Harrison Hood, along with a diverse group of local climbers, travelled to Cuba in February to climb featured limestone and experience the culture, food and landscapes that Cuba has to offer.

This multi-media presentation will include video edits of the sights and sounds of Cuba and of the incredible climbing areas the group visited. They will also show still photos and share with us their experiences in this fascinating county.

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Kristian Solem – Wild Times in High Places

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Kristian Solem started climbing in the mid 1970’s at the Gunks and ten years later moved to Los Angeles. In California, Kristian visited the usual climbing areas like Tahquitz and Suicide, Joshua Tree and Yosemite. But when he first laid eyes on The Needles, Kristian knew he had found his nirvana. He would go on to climb there every season for three decades. Bouldering at Stoney Point, he met Bob Kamps, who became a mentor for 20 years. Partnerships were forged at Stoney Point with the likes of Herb Laeger, Charlie Crist, Jan McCollum and Guy Keesee, which led to adventures and first ascents at Joshua Tree, Courtright Reservoir, The Needles area and the Gorge of Despair.

Kristian led an alternate life as a mastering engineer, which is a rare job in music production that doesn’t demand long hours for weeks or months at a time. This left him time to train, boulder and go climbing. He kept his lifestyle simple and lean and spent all of his free time on the rock. Kristian has spent years researching, climbing and now authored a climbing guide to the Needles in the Southern Sierra. Today, at age 63, his love affair with California’s beautiful granite is undiminished.

Kristian’s presentation will showcase his time climbing wild places including the Needles, Courtright Reservoir and the Gorge of Despair. “In the paradise of stone on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, The Needles are the most prized treasure in the garden.” -E.C. Joe & Richard Leversee.

Kristian Solem and Mike Flood on Ankles Away, Needles, CA; Photo: Kevin Powell

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Kristian Solem; Photo: Kevin Daniels

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Seth Dilles – Sierra Ramblings From A Sonoma County Native

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Seth Dilles is a Sonoma County native and Rock Ice & Mountain Club member who discovered climbing at the young age of 12 when he first climbed at Sunset Boulders at Sonoma Coast State Beach. He helped build Vertex Climbing Center and was one of their first employees. He has spent time working in Yosemite Valley and as a climbing guide in the Sierra, Joshua Tree and Red Rock with Sky’s The Limit Guide Service. He currently works for an engineering firm doing rope access construction and rigging. Seth is a very accomplished climber with first ascents in the High Sierra and several El Capitan ascents.

Seth will show us some of his High Sierra outings from his first ascents on Mt. Whitney and Birch Mountain and many other climbs, both in the Sierra and beyond.





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Glen Denny – Valley Walls and El Capitan

Location: Round Table Pizza, 2065 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa

Time & Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 @ 7:30 PM (Social hours and free beer for members at 6:30)

Directions: From Highway 101 at Santa Rosa go west on Highway 12 to Stony Point Road Exit. Go straight from the middle lane at the light onto Occidental Road. The Round Table Pizza is on the right just down the road.

Glen Denny was born in Modesto, California in 1939 and grew up in the nearby town of Livingston, where his father taught mathematics and music at the high school. His first outdoor experiences came through fly-fishing trips into the Sierra with his father. When Glen moved to Yosemite in 1958 to learn to climb, the first ascent of El Capitan was under way. Inspired by this historic event, he was soon climbing the most challenging routes in Yosemite Valley, including some of the early ascents of El Capitan, with many of the big-wall pioneers of the late fifties and early sixties. His first ascents include the Dihedral Wall on El Capitan, the west face of the Leaning Tower, the north face of the Rostrum, and the Prow on Washington Column. His first ascents of the southwest face of Mount Conness and the east face of Keeler Needle were the first big wall climbs in the High Sierra. He has also made first ascents in the Cordillera Huayhuash in Peru and the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan.

Originally self-taught, Glen began photographing Yosemite climbs and climbers in the early sixties before studying photography and filmmaking at San Francisco State University, where he earned a Masters of Fine Arts degree. His climbing films have won awards at several film festivals and his photography has appeared in a number of exhibitions and publications, culminating in his 2007 book, “Yosemite in the Sixties.” Glen currently lives with his family in San Francisco.

Glen will be reading excerpts from his recently published book, “Valley Walls: A Memoir of Climbing and Living in Yosemite.” After the presentation and Q&A session, he will be signing and selling copies of this book and the posters he has made of Yosemite climbs in the 1960s.

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"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn."
— Kahlil Gibran